Tips and Hacks to Save Money When Traveling from a Solo Female Traveler

It is no secret that traveling can be expensive, especially if you do not take some steps to keep your spending under control. Right now, inflation is out of control and prices are skyrocketing. I have noticed significant increases in hotel rates, flight fares, restaurant prices, and rental car rates along with higher prices for everyday essentials. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks that can save some money and help make the most of your trip. While some of these tips will not save you money immediately, they do add up to significant savings on future travel.

1 Book Hotels and Flights on Sale Whenever Possible

While this one may seem rather obvious, it is a very effective way to save some money on travel. Keep an eye on the flights and hotels that you wish to book and book when there is a sale. Sometimes these sales do require prepayment or a nonrefundable rate. If this is the case, weigh the risk carefully. Hotels and airlines do not tend to budge on these prepay rates and you will be completely out of the money if you have to cancel your trip. I do also recommend purchasing trip insurance for every trip. You never know what will happen when traveling, and the small price of trip insurance is well worth it when your flights are canceled or there is a sudden emergency and the trip must be canceled.

2 Join Loyalty Programs for Hotels, Airlines, Rental Cars, and Restaurants

The major chain hotels, airlines, rental car agencies, and restaurants have a loyalty program and an accompanying mobile application. Take the time to sign up for these programs and download the applications. These programs reward brand loyalty by giving points based on the amount spent. When you accumulate enough points you can trade those points for free hotel rooms, flights, rental car days, food, gift cards, and sometimes products. Even if you don’t use a certain brand frequently, I still recommend that you sign up for the loyalty program. I have found that there are often special hotel rates just for being a member. They will also send emails offering bonus points for various stays. Make sure you sign up for these offers before you check out of the hotel.

Another benefit of joining these programs is free upgrades. Once you reach a certain level in the program, you can be offered room upgrades in hotels, cabin upgrades on airlines, and preferred vehicles with rental car companies. This is a nice perk that, while it does not necessarily save money, it does make you feel special and makes the overall trip a little better. There may be other perks based on the program, which are usually spelled out on the company’s website or app when registering for the program.

Of course, when I travel for business, my company pays for the expenses; however, they allow me to keep any points that I accumulate in these loyalty programs. I frequently stay in Hilton Hotels when traveling for business, so I rapidly receive Hilton points. I am also a member of Choice Hotels, IHG (which is Holiday Inn), Marriott Bonovoy, and Best Western. I recently traded my IHG points for Shell gift cards. I also fly Delta Airlines frequently, and I was able to book a roundtrip ticket from Alabama to San Francisco for just the price of taxes and fees. By joining loyalty programs, you can receive an almost free trip if you are brand loyal.

I avoid third-party discount travel sites. If there is an issue with a reservation, the hotel, airline, or rental car company is not able to directly assist you if you booked through a third-party booking site. While travel disasters are rare, it is much better to be dealing with the company directly. Many hotels have a best price guarantee when booking directly. If you do find a lower rate, simply contact the hotel and they will match the lower price if the room type matches exactly.

3 Make a Grocery Store or Dollar Store Run

One really simple way to save money is to purchase snacks and drinks from the local grocery store or dollar store. Most hotels allow guests access to a refrigerator and microwave, either in the hotel room or in a common area in the hotel. Purchasing snacks and drinks from the hotel is very expensive. It is much more cost effective to purchase these items from a local store and keep them in your hotel room. My routine is to check into the hotel so I can check out the refrigerator and microwave situation and then make a run to the local store. I keep water, soda, granola bars, and other snacks in the room. If I am trying to be extra thrifty, I will buy some items to make meals in the hotel room. You are not limited to sandwiches and salads if you decide to make meal in the hotel room. My favorite hotel meal is chicken nuggets, Rice-A-Roni, and broccoli mixed together as a casserole. I buy the Rice-A-Roni cups that are microwavable, frozen chicken nuggets, and frozen broccoli. I also travel with my Blendjet portable blender so I can easily make smoothies and protein shakes.

I do like to eat at restaurants when I am traveling, but I have found that this is the easiest expense for me to cut. I do not completely avoid eating at restaurants, but I do limit the number of times that I go per trip. I also feel much healthier when I eat in the hotel because I tend to incorporate more vegetables in my diet. In order to take advantage of the best restaurants in the local area, I ask the hotel desk attendants where they recommend that I eat. This allows me to eat at some of the better local establishments and not feel like I am missing out on something by not eating out every meal.

4 Ask the Hotel for Forgotten Items before Purchasing Them

If you travel enough, it is inevitable that you will leave a hygiene item at home or run out of one. We are familiar with shampoo, conditioner, and soaps being provided in the hotel room upon arrival. I have found that hotels often have other items at the front desk should you need them. I have received a small sewing kit, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a razor in the past. Granted these are not the highest quality items available, but they will get you through for a few days. If you decide to make meals in your hotel room, do not buy plates or cutlery. I will either grab a few extra when I am at breakfast or ask the front desk attendant. They often direct me to go into the breakfast area that is closed off and get whatever I need.

I have also found that many hotels will also give you a bottle of water if you ask for it. Another tip for obtaining drinking water when staying in a hotel is to fill up your water bottle at the water dispenser in the hotel gym. Some hotels will have infused water in a water dispenser in the hotel lobby. They usually provide coffee, tea, and hot chocolate in this same area. You may even get lucky and find that they have cookies available for an afternoon snack.

5 Take Advantage of Free Breakfast if it is Offered

I usually do not eat breakfast, but I do make sure to make a breakfast run each morning. I will pick up fruit, yogurt, pastries, peanut butter, cereal, milk, etc. and take it back to my room or carry it with me to my destination for the day. The main thing here is only take what you will actually eat. Do not be wasteful or greedy. I have learned that the hotel does not mind if I take a few items back to my room, especially since I do not eat breakfast. In fact, I have had breakfast attendants offer me a to-go container for my items.

6 Join Clubs that Offer Member Discounts

While this option does cost a few dollars for a membership fee, if you travel just a few times a year you easily come out ahead. Hotels, restaurants, and other stores offer discounts for AARP and AAA members. AARP also offers discounted gift cards on occasion, and of course AAA has roadside assistance. A common belief is that AARP is only for older people. This is absolutely not true. There is no age restriction for joining AARP. Other options for discounts are insurance companies, alumni associations, professional organizations, and credit cards.

7 Use Cashback Apps

Money saving applications are helpful in saving money or receiving cash back in the form of gift cards. There are several apps available, but the ones that I use personally are Fetch, National Consumer Panel, and Ibotta. Fetch gives points for scanning receipts with bonus points for certain brands or items. National Consumer Panel gives points for scanning items purchased and answering surveys. Ibotta requires a little extra work because you must activate your offers before shopping and then scan your receipt when the shopping trip is complete. Ibotta does allow you to transfer cash back to PayPal as well as gift cards, while Fetch and National Consumer Panel can only be redeemed for gift cards.

Links to join the programs above are listed below. I will receive a small incentive if you sign up for these applications using my links.



National Consumer Panel: use referral code: 119752

In Conclusion

It is possible to save money when traveling, it just takes a little creativity and time. Using the tips and tricks above are practical ways to reduce travel costs. Some of the recommendations also translate well into everyday life. If you know of another money-saving travel tip, let us know in the comments below.

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