I spend a good bit of my time in very small towns across the United States. I find myself in these places due to my job, but I have learned to make the best of it. It is easy to get discouraged when you are in a small town and there is seemingly not a whole lot to do. I have found that most small towns have some type of interesting attraction that sets them apart from anyone else.

In Burlington, Colorado this attraction is the carousel. Kit Carson County is located in the eastern part of Colorado, so far east that it is almost located in Kansas. Most people think if the Rocky Mountains when they think if Colorado, but Kit Carson County is actually located in the plains. The county is a small cattle farming community that is home to some of the nicest and most welcoming people.

The local attraction in Kit Carson County is the Kit Carson County Carousel and Museum. The carousel itself is the oldest carousel in the United States. It has ornate animals inside and the outside is just as intricate and beautiful. The restoration of this piece of history is amazing.

The beautiful lady restored horses on the Kit Carson County Carousel.

The carousel is open to the public and you can ride the carousel for only $0.25 per ride. I must warn you, though, that this carousel moves pretty fast. The horses do not move up and down, but they sure make up for it in speed.

The carousel has music that is played from a traditional organ that has also been completely restored. The just is absolutely beautiful and is unlike anything that you will hear elsewhere today. The organ is a Wurlitzer organ with stunning sound quality.

There is also a Carousel Museum located on the property that has a small admission fee of only $1. The museum tells the story of the carousel’s history as well as the restoration of the historical piece. While the museum seems very small from the outside, the small building is packed with photos and replicas of the carousel throughout its journey.

A replica of the carousel that is on display in the Kit Carson County Carousel Museum.

The carousel and museum are located in a beautiful park area that is adjacent to the stockyard in Burlington, CO. The adjacent park is just as beautiful as the carousel. It is beautifully landscaped and feels more like a suburban park than a stockyard.

A view of the building that houses the Kit Carson County Carousel and the beautiful lady landscaped park that surrounds it.

If you ever make it to Burlington, Colorado, I highly recommend that you stop in to experience the Kit Carson County Carousel and Museum. It is truly an experienced to be remembered. Where else can you be entertained for only $1.25?

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