My travel bucket list is at least a mile long, but I will list the top ten items on my travel bucket list. I hope to make each of these happen someday.

1. See the Northern Lights

Northern Lights

2. Take a Cruise to Antarctica

Antarctic Cruise

3. Cruise through the Panama Canal

4. Visit Australia

Sydney Opera House

5. Visit All 50 States in the United States

United States Map

6. Visit Germany

7. Visit every National Park in the United States

8. Stand in the water in every ocean in the world

9. Stand on every continent in the world

Earth from space

10. Take a train from one coast of the United States to the other

View from a train window

While this short list only scratches the surface of the million things that I want to do, it is a good place to start. What are your travel bucket list items? Have you done any of the items on my bucket list?

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