
I have always had a love for traveling. In my early twenties I started taking trips on my own. I even made some attempts at travel nursing to satisfy the wanderlust in my soul.

I love traveling to new places, experiencing things I never imagined, and meeting interesting people along the way. I have always had a desire to hit the road and visit as many places as possible, but I every time I tried, I would end up coming back home within a couple of months.

I think that I always have up the traveling and headed back home partially out of obligation and partially due to loneliness.

Obligation because I am the person that the family depended on for so much. The responsible child. Or maybe just the child that could be easily guilted.

Loneliness because, let’s face it, traveling by yourself can be lonely. It took me while to get comfortable going places alone. Now it is second nature to go to a restaurant or attraction alone, but ten to twenty years ago it felt awkward.

After losing my father and brother in a very short timeframe in 2016, I decided that life is too short to hope and plan for trips that may never come. Life is precious and fleeting. It can be taken away so quickly. At that time, I decided that I would get out and see the world. I would make the most of my life while I still can.

I started taking road trips more and more frequently, but I still wanted to see more. To do more. By accident, I landed in a job that required 80% travel. This was perfect for me. I could see the world and work at the same time.

Taking that job was the best decision I have ever made for myself. I have seen places I never even considered. I have also marked off several of my bucket list items.

So why did I finally decide to start traveling more often? Because I learned that life is short. I learned that we only have one life to live, and we need to live it every day. If you wait around for the perfect time, you may just wait too long and miss the opportunity.

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